Home Energy Rating Information
for Realtors & Lenders

Inspection Connection Home Energy Ratings (HERS) allow a home buyer to objectively compare the energy performance of homes being considered for purchase.

Inspection Connection is RESNET certified to provide Home Energy Ratings which meet the National Mortgage Industry HERS Accreditation Registry requirements – a key step in obtaining an Energy Mortgage.

What is an Energy Mortgage? An energy mortgage is a mortgage that credits a home’s energy efficiency in the home loan. There are two types of energy mortgages:

Energy Improvement Mortgage Finances the energy upgrades of an existing home in the mortgage loan using monthly energy savings

Energy Efficient Mortgage Uses the energy savings from a new energy efficient home to increase the home buying power of consumers and capitalizes the energy savings in the appraisal

The ability to leverage a homebuyer’s investment in energy efficiency increases the number of qualified homebuyers and increases the purchasing power of the consumer.

Helpful realtor and lender links:

RESNET -Lenders Guide to Energy Efficient Mortgages